Who Invented Walking?

Walking was not invented by anybody, it is natural and inherent and something that is a necessity for animals and certain spices. There is a necessity for animals to move in search of food.

Who invented walking

Plants are static, do not move, and get their feed and nourishment via sunlight and their roots. However, animals are not static and need to move around in order to find and gather food. 

Initially there was sea life and scientists believe arthropods started to leave the sea and walk on land. 

Invertebrates crawled on land for millions of years and after which vertebrates began to walk the land. Some animals walk with 4 legs whilst some including humans walk on two legs. 

When Did Humans Start Walking Upright?

There is not exact date but humans about 5 million years ago started to walk upright. They went from walking on 4 legs to walking on two. Scientists believe initially the Homo Erectus began to walk upright. 

What Are The Benefits Of Walking?

  1. Improves muscle strength
  2. Cardiovascular exercise
  3. Improves circulation 
  4. Can lower your the sugar in your body
  5. Boost you energy level
  6. The feet have pressure points or meridians that when walked upon helps to keep the body and mind health

How Long Should You Walk A Day?

A brisk 10 minutes walk or a slower 20 minutes walk a day can be good for you. But, walk as much as you can to your comfort level and ability. 30 minutes of walking a day in total, should do you good.

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