Who Invented Toilet Paper?

Paper utilised as toilet paper had been used in the 14th Century in China. China invented the paper during the Han dynasty. It was reported that up to 10 million packages of toilet paper were made yearly in China during the 14th century.

Who invented toilet paper

This form of toilet paper or sheets was far different from what is known and used today. It would have been hard, and harsh to use and sometimes have splinters.

The modern toilet paper

The modern toilet paper as we know it today was invented by Joseph Gayetty who was an American. He invented the modern commercially available toilet paper that you could buy from the shop or stores, that was packaged. It was introduced to the public in 1857 as Gayetty’s Medicated Paper. They were not in a roll as is most paper, but were sheets of paper in a package.

This initial form of toilet paper was not very successful, but later better forms of toilet paper were created that were softer and stronger so hence became popular.

What is toilet paper made from?

Toilet paper is made from wood, chemicals and bleach. Wood is broken down into useable pulp by chemicals and then turned into paper.

What did they use before toilet paper?

People have been going to the toilet since since the caveman times and hence had to clean themselves afterwards. So during these periods of times before the invention of toilet paper people have been using a variety of methods to clean themselves.

These included using leaves, wood, sponges and water. Some parts of the world still use these methods now such as water and leaves. If you live somewhere remote, where there are no shops available, you will have to use the old methods to clean yourself after going to the toilet.

And, even with toilet paper available, some people around the world still prefer to use alterative methods such as using water. They feel using water gets the much cleaner than using toilet paper.

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