Who Created Google?

Who created Google

Who Created Google?

Google is a search engine founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It was originally named Backrub, but the name was changed after receiving a trademark request from another company. Google’s original founders wanted to create an ambitious new type of search engine that would take into account both popularity (the number of people who had visited that site) and relevance (how useful that site would be to you).

Today the company has become one of the most successful tech companies in history, earning more than $22 billion in revenue last year alone.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin are credited as being the founders of Google, though the company was incorporated by a friend, Larry Brilliant

Larry Page graduated from Stanford in 1994 with a degree in computer science and went on to become an engineer at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where he worked on projects related to search engines and artificial intelligence.

In 1995 he met Sergey Brin while they were both working on their Ph.D.’s at SRI; they eventually left their studies at different times but continued working together on various projects throughout their academic careers.

Page and Brin set out to create a search engine that assessed a website’s importance by measuring its popularity across the entire Web

Page and Brin set out to create a search engine that assessed a website’s importance by measuring its popularity across the entire Web. They based their algorithm on an idea from another researcher, Danny Kahneman, who suggested that people tend to evaluate options in terms of how much they like them rather than how much they know about them.

In other words, if you ask someone what they think of your new book or movie but haven’t read it or seen it yet, then he’ll probably tell you whether or not he loves those things—not necessarily if his opinion is based on fact (i.e., whether there are 100 positive reviews).

PageRank was designed as an assessment tool rather than popularity ranking because Google wanted webmasters who were interested in helping users find relevant information online (and thus would have higher quality content) but didn’t have time/desire/money available outside their day jobs

On September 4, 1998, Google officially opened its doors in a garage in Menlo Park, California

On September 4, 1998, Google officially opened its doors in a garage in Menlo Park, California.


Google has grown into one of the most popular websites on the Internet, and their success is continuing to grow. Although they have many different products, they still begin with a simple mission: “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

Google continues to be innovative by constantly making updates to their systems as well as adding new features that help people find what they want faster than ever before possible. 

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